Shepherds Arms - Football Quiz

Football Quiz 3

Sir Bobby

Q1 - Which club was Bobby Robsons first professional contract with ?

Q2 - Who did Bobby Robson succeed as England Manager ?

Q3 - What year did Bobby Robson become England Manager ?

Q4 - His frst transfer was in 1956 and was for £25,000 - just short of the British Record - Which team signed him ?

Q5 - On his England debut in 1957, Bobby Robson scored twice - he was dropped from the next game against Scotland - Which 1966 member replaced him ?

Q6 - On the way to the 62 World Cup he lost his place again - due to a cracked ankle - which English whippersnapper from the 1966 squad replaced him ?

Q7 - Bobby Robsons' first move into Management was as a Player Manager - Which country was this in ?

Q8 - In 80/81 season, Bobby was managing Ipswich, they were in the Quarter Finals and they beat a talented French side 4 - 1. Players included Platini, Battiston, Larios and Castenada. This was the first time in 26 years they had lost a European home game - Name the team.

Q9 - Bobby Robson steered England on a 17 game unbeaten run, which ended in a friendly at Wembley on 22nd May 1990 - Who beat England ?

Q10 - Newcastle progressed to the second phase of the Champions League after losing their first 3 games and winning the next 3. (2002/03) - Name the 3 teams in the first phase.


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